Your digital photo studio.
Powered by AI.

A couple in an urban setting wearing sunglasses.

Lifestyle Sunglasses

An e-commerce product shot of a woman wearing a geometric pattern shirt.

E-Commerce Shirt

A editorial portait of a man wearing a green jacket.

Lifestyle Jacket

A striking image of a woman sitting on stairs in front of an apartment entrance.

Lifestyle Footwear

A contemplative portrait of a woman wearing a beige jacket and hat, looking to the left.

Editorial Jacket

Digital Twin

Replicate your
products with AI

Input Images

Train Graswald AI with images from your products to generate an infinite number of new photos.


Use images to influence your style

Upload image reference to teach Graswald AI how your own brand looks and feels.

Moody monochrome portrait, high-
fashion editorial, soft lighting, deep shadows, neutral background
Style detected
Human Poses

Pose your model in every shot

Create a sense of consistency by reusing curated poses. Create your own brand poses or use presets.

Human poses


Create avatars or use your own models

Design your own avatar models or use real-world brand ambassadors in your digital generations.


Trusted by the worlds most recognizable brands

Create product visuals in a completely new fashion

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